Pros and cons of the dark knight rises

I liked the Dark knight rises it was a good movie. but im am going to discuss the pros and cons of the dark knight rises.


Bane is so menacing in the plane I know a lot of people had problems with his voice but to me his voice made him more chilling unlike batmans voice SWEAR TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I remember when he tells bruce Then then you have my permission to die. It was so chilling to me.When he snaps the guys neck because he is the only one who knows how tome difuse the bomb. He isnt better than the Joker but he is pretty good.Anne hathaway as Catwoman I thought she was better than Michelle as Catwoman. Bane Breaking batmans back.


Batman somehow being able to escape a nuclear Blast in one second. We still see him in the bat at one second before the bomb exploded even if he did manage to escape the the bat he would’ve been caught in the blast radius.

Batman somehow having teleporting ablities He is coming out of the pit which is supposed to be on the other side of the world .He gets back to gotham in like 10 minutes.

Bruce Wayne giving the cordinates to John “Robin” Blake by the way that was so stupid making his name robin I dont think they even needed to allude to robin. He tells him I knew you were batman by the way you smiled at me when I was he gives him the cordinates to the batcave so he can be the next batman. To this feels like in Batman and Robin where Barbara finds the Batcave and Batman makes her Batgirl because of this.

Overall I liked the movie It was just some glaring problems with it. Leave a comment Keep it on at Movie goer dude

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