Speculation on who killed Sara


When Sara sees the person who killed her she recognizes the person She says what are you doing here. so it was obviously someone she recognized. So im here to talk about who might have killed her.

Nyssa al Ghul

Nyssa al Ghul  may have killed Sara because she left to go back to starling city. Maybe she felt that sara broke her heart to many times by Sara and she killed her. It would fit because when she was killed the League of Assassins theme song. So it made me thing maybe it was someone from the League of Assassins and Ras al ghul is going to be the Main Villain of this season so that would bring Ras Al Ghul into the picture.


Thea could have kille Sara because she knows how to fight and shes been training with Merylin. So she could know how to shoot a bow and arrow. Shes been traing as long as Roy has and Roy is somehow a master at shooting a bow and arrow. and she may have angry at Oliver for Moiras Death so she killed sara to hurt oliver.

Tommy Merylin

Tommy Merylin could have killed Sara. I know hes dead but maybe Malcolm brought him to a Lazurus pit and Tommys mind is messed up from the Lazurus pit so he killed Sara. How much would that hurt Oliver his best friend in life killed the woman he loved. I’ve always had a feeling that Tommy will come back. Merlyns back. This comic book show and no one ever truly stays dead in comic books.

Who do you think Killed Sara Let me know in the comments and keep it on at moviegoerdude

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