Arrow Midnight City Discussion


Oliver awakens in the wilderness cabin and catches up with Tatsu and Maseo.  While the former couple have stayed in contact, they’re not exactly together.  Maseo is headed back to Ra’s’ side as soon as the storm clears, but he leaves Oliver with a final word of warning, to worry about what’s become of his city in his absence.

Cut to that very city, still plagued by crime, but moreso now that Brick is in charge of The Glades.  Laurel tries to take matters into her own hands by putting on Canary’s mask and attempting to defend the weak and innocent.  It doesn’t go too well since a run-of-the-mill thug nearly takes her out.  Arsenal jumps in to rescue Laurel/Canary, and brings her back to HQ to patch her up and figure out just what the hell she thinks she’s doing

Thea and “Chase the DJ” have an awkward meet-up outside Club Verdant. Soon, Malcolm arrives to order Thea to leave Starling City, but she refuses because he won’t come clean with her about what’s got him so spooked.  Meanwhile, Roy is checking on her from the wings.  He shows up at Malcolm’s place to threaten the older man, saying he’ll reveal all of Malcolm’s dark secrets to his daughter if he doesn’t stay out of her life.

As Quentin calls asking for help from the Arrow, Felicity confirms that he’s gone … but she knows where to find the Canary.  (How quick can someone flip back and forth between being completely opposed to crimefighting and embracing it again?  This question goes for either Felicity or Laurel at this point.)

On the snowier side of the world, things aren’t looking great for Maseo, Tatsu, or Oliver at this point either since Ra’s al Ghul is calling for Oliver Queen’s remains.  His henchmen show up in search of the fallen warrior but Maseo covers for him, stalling as long as he can.  Unfortunately they find Tatsu waiting in the wings and our heroes quickly take down the assassins

Felicity makes amends with Palmer (and returns his helicopter keys) by providing a quantum processor for his supersuit.  Seems like she’s back on the team, hoping to help Palmer stay alive in his mad quest.

Meanwhile, , Malcolm finally tells Thea what he’s actually running from: Ra’s al Ghul and the League of Shadows.  He spins a pretty good story and eventually asks for Thea’s help.  When Malcolm tries once more to convince Thea to be afraid of Ra’s al Ghul, she turns the tables on him and reminds him of his own lessons for her training.  They decide to stay and fight, whatever comes their way.  Whatever comes Thea’s way is that goofy DJ, Chase, who apparently works for Ra’s al Ghul and is contact with Maseo, revealing that both Thea and Malcolm Merlyn are in Starling City.  Not much of a final stinger, but hey, we’ll take it

Overall  a Good episode the chase reveal was kinda stupid  7.5/10 what do youguys think about the episode let me know in the comment and keep it on at moviegoerdude

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