Can Captain Boomerang Work in Suicide Squad Movie

Digger became a recurring villain for the Flash

Captain Boomerang is skilled in the area of creating and using complicated boomerangs of his own designs as weapons.

Harkness would later join the Suicide Squad in exchange for a pardon of his crimes. However, Harkness’s personality and racism made him an undesirable member of the team.

Harkness simply watched by as his teammate, MindBoggler, was shot in the back due to her using her mind-altering abilities on Harkness to shut him up when he was verbally abusing another team member.

He also manipulated another team member, Slipknot, into running away from the action just to see if the explosive bracelets the Squad members wore really did activate if the wearer attempted to escape which, they did. He even committed robberies as Mirror Master, but when Amanda Waller found out she ended his career and took away his team benefits

These are some of the boomerangs he has created:

  • Electro-boomerang: Emit spark trails carrying a deadly 5,000 volts, which circle around the target.
  • Exploso-boomerang :Detonates on contact, damage to all in one area.
  • Gas boomerang: Monstrous intensity tear gas, affects one area.
  • Razor boomerang
  • Bladed boomerang
  • Acid-spewing boomerang
  • Sonic boomerang: Excellent intensity sonic attack.
  • Gravity boomerang: Creates local gravity field of Incredible intensity.
  • Weighted boomerangs: Solid-weighted boomerang.
  • Preprogrammed boomerangs: These boomerangs are rocket propelled and are preprogrammed to fly to a target, pick up whatever item, and returned to a predesignated spot with amazing flight speed and range.

I was watching Part 2 of the Arrow Flash Crossover and I noticed that Captain Boomerangs a badass He is throwing Arrows in the Air twirling around in the Air HE is slicing people with his Boomerang. He took down a whole Argus faciliaty by himself

I think if they have this type of Captain boomerang in the Suicide Squad movie. make him just a total Bad ass. make his costume look less ridiculous

I think this could work what do you guys think let me know in the comments and keep it on at moviegoerdude

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